Laser cutting

Coil Laser Cutting Dalcos

COIL LASER CUTTING – Il Caso studio di Captive Aire e i suoi 5 sistemi di taglio ad alta efficienza

Captive Aire è un nostro cliente americano, che produce cappe aspiranti per cucine industriali. Queste macchine di aspirazione hanno una struttura in acciaio inox e i pannelli che le compongono […]

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Laser cutting Machines and Systems Dalcos

Macchine e sistemi di taglio laser

Sistemi di taglio laser Il sistema di taglio laser per lamiera permette di ottenere sulla lamiera piana tagli di qualsiasi forma, e poiché lavorano il prodotto su un piano, sono anche […]

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Coil laser cutting Dalcos

That’s why Coil to Laser cutting systems allow you to save up to 25% of raw material

We are very familiar with the advantages and flexibility of laser cutting. 2D laser cutting lines starting from sheets have been on the market for thirty years now, so we […]

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CASE STUDY – Efficiency in the use of the material: CaptiveAire and its five Coil To Laser systems

CASE STUDY – Efficiency in the use of the material: CaptiveAire and its five Coil To Laser systems

CaptiveAire is an American customer of ours, which produces extractor hoods for industrial kitchens.  These machines are made of stainless steel and have panels that can measure up to five […]

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LXN III: the ultimate coil laser cutting machine

After one full year of prototyping and tests, we are proud to present to our public the new Dalcos LXN III.! This extraordinary piece of Technology incorporates all the Dalcos’ […]

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Sheet metal working: where is 15,9% of raw material being wasted?

In the sheet metal industry, traditional production processes start from metal sheets, with punching and laser cutting machines. The scrap generated in the process can reach 15% and more: parts […]

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Dalcos ELXN

VIDEO – Focus on the ELXN combo punch/laser machine operation

In this article Andrea Dallan introduces the Dalcos ELXN punch/laser combo system and its unique features. Dalcos presented the world’s first coil fed punching/laser combo system in 2014, and since […]

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Taglio laser da coil per lamiera con sistema di visione: funzionamento e vantaggi

Il mercato delle macchine per il taglio laser della lamiera sta vivendo da anni una crescita molto importante, grazie all’ottimizzazione dei costi e all’affinamento delle tecnologie impiegate. La tecnologia di […]

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Coil fed laser and punching: how to generate 197.400 Euro in profits per year

New and innovative technologies can increase the competitiveness and profits for OEMs and sheet metal fabricators. In my previous article, I showed how the material savings can reach as much as 15,9% when […]

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Powersort: Lean technology for DALCOS laser cutting machines

Separating and Sorting system COMING IN 2018 In 2018 Dallan will present the exclusive POWERSORT® technology for Dalcos LXN laser systems. Dalcos has developed an innovative suspended cutting application for […]

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