When it comes to thin sheet coil-fed cutting systems,
you deserve the best

Coil-fed production immediately allows you to be more productive, efficient and profitable than using sheet metal: it’s the perfect mix of productivity and flexibility.

The benefits are obvious.

Dalcos punching and cutting systems offer you a huge competitive advantage.

In the diagram to the side, you can immediately see that when evaluating productivity and flexibility, Dalcos systems are in the ideal position for Lean Production: in fact, they are more productive and generate much less waste than sheet-fed machines, while being much more flexible than press moulding systems at the same time!

Your valuable raw material is fully optimised.

When Sustainability rhymes with Profitability.

Dalcos punching and cutting systems offer you a huge competitive advantage.

In the diagram to the side, you can immediately see that when evaluating productivity and flexibility, Dalcos systems are in the ideal position for Lean Production: in fact, they are more productive and generate much less waste than sheet-fed machines, while being much more flexible than press moulding systems at the same time!

Process continuity ensures maximum productivity.

A process is also profitable when it produces several units of product every minute: coil-fed processing, eliminating sheet loading and unloading downtime, means the machine works continuously and unloads onto the floor many more products that are already cut and separated, every minute!

Cycle times are measured in seconds, not minutes, and Dalcos machines can be equipped with in-line presses that make groups of holes and perform machining very quickly.

Thanks to our die department, we can build special dies that optimise the speed of your production, consuming less electricity and time!

Automation: less personnel to manage your department and your scheduling.

Finding engineers today has become increasingly complex.

That’s why Dalcos machines that work in line have been optimised to be easy to use and only require personnel when loading coils and unloading finished products. That means you DO NOT need an operator constantly at the machine! Obviously, this means that just one person can manage multiple systems simultaneously.

Programming is also automatic: indeed, Dalcos punching machines are parametric and this means that all that’s required is to send the machine an Excel table with the dimensions of the products (up to 50 parameters) and you’ll no longer even need a programmer!

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